Vážení zákazníci, ve dnech 3-9.7. budou Vaše objednávky přijímány, ale z důvodu dovolené budou odesílány postupně od pondělí 10.7.2023. Děkujeme za pochopení.

For easier searching, you can enter your bearing code to the search box. (for example - 6007) or you can enter bearing size to the search box - inner diameter x outer diameter x bearing width (e.g. 35x62x14)

80x125x22 mm (6016ZZ) Ball Bearing

Brand: Kinex
Product Code: 6016ZZ
Availability: In Stock
Ex Tax: €8.47




price for 1pc Ball Bearing

(d) - internal dimension - 80 mm

(D) - outside dimension -  125 mm

(B) - width -  22 mm

Cover ZZ - metal cover

Information for EU customer:
EU customers will pay the postage from
3.30 EUR.
As soon as we receive your order, we will send you invoice to your e-mail.

Payment information - You can use standart bank transfer or PayPal.